Ya! here they are!... all my finest Quake screenshots...
Eat this!...a grenade in the scrags face....
Place your chin here.... ya thats right... a bit ti the right.. weeell yes.. thats right,.. say "brains on the celing"...
Ok, now let's try that all at the same time.... 1. 2. 3...
Wow ya! look at your buddys head fly.... weeeeh.. there it goes...
Hmmm... i'll think i'll place my last grenade here..... hmm Hey! you don't mind do you...
In head, No head......
Hmm, im about to get stomped on....
Try this on for size!...
Ok, ok i give up....
Hey! where did that shambler go?..
In team fighting...
Zombie parts......
I got it, i got it,,.... waaaaaa i got it!
The end of a Ogre's hard days work....
Suck on this rex!....
Hmmm... This Demon is about to get a serious back pain....
Oh?.. a missile for me?... gee thanks mr bot....
YA! YA!, get that mother!!!!!...
Armagon is bad news....
Is it hot here, or is it just me?...
More to come...........
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Quake Realm and the Quake Realm logo are trademarks of GurkoZ Productions 1997